Saturday, August 25, 2012

answer to my silence

Hello all. I can only imagine all the question and pondering thoughts you might have of me not posting in my blog for so long. Well, first and foremost I wanted to let you all know that we are all fine and well. It has  been busy to say the least. All in good purpose and intentions. I won't lie to share that by the end of the day with my busy schedule with  my affair with money and a house that is on the great progress in remodeling by ourselves it take more time and energy that I can devote to my blog these days. I feel really bad for not being able to share this adventure in my as it unfolds. I am having a time conflict and the sincerity that I can devote to it, for something that meant to me like my blog is very much of a challenge for me.

Here is the story. Ever since I came to the US I dreamed of being able to build and design our on house with the hubby. Since he in in the construction trade it was a great opportunity for me to be able to participate and learn and work to make our dream in the NW. That was  and still is the goal here. But as time crawls along growing family and a hoped of  endless summer living comes to mind. The struggle and the hard work that is involved in the endeavor is so much, but we feel that we can do it. Time is all what we have and we will work our best to make this happened. And to make this it short, all of our hard labor has been showing progress. But as must things are it take determination and priorities and a whole lot of sacrifices in life to make everything come true.

I want a house of my own here in the North West and it has been taking a long time to occupy the house but I am happy to say that this is our first whole year living inside the house in the summer. There is so much more to do and we are doing it as time and money allows us to do. And we savored our progress on a hard days work as success one thing at a time..

I appreciate each and everyone who shares time in following my blog.. My emotions run high when I know and receives email of all your concern and curiosity about my little family. Weng is still here. Thank you all so much in thinking of me. 


  1. Thanks for the update. Happy to hear that you are still healthy and active.

  2. Glad to hear from you. Was wondering how summer was treating you. It's nice to hear your dream of building your home in the Pacific Northwest is happening.Before you know it, it will be school time again.

  3. Weng, that is wonderful news. I was just afraid that your husband had hurt his back again. Or something like that. Life it's self is hard work but if there is a payoff in the end it's all worth it. I hope you are all able to have some fun along the way.

    I hope you are taking lots of photos that you will be able to share with us when work slows down.

  4. Great news glad you all are happy,healthy and working hard towards your dream! Hugs to you all!
