Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The first full week of school and the kids are off in a very good start. As always they are my champ in waking up and get things ready for school. I am a very happy and proud mama when it comes to that..
The weather is been so beautiful here in the NW. We had a flash storm last Saturday and rinsed off a few dry wall that was laying outside. Ouch, not too bad.

The hubby is been so busy in working on our house and making some changes and re-configuring roof line. It has been an exciting time. And as always we race against the weather and the season then hunker down for the rain and cold.. Isn't that hilarious?

Things are moving along and plans are in order.. We are keeping busy....

1 comment:

  1. And another week of beautiful weather in Milwaukie too. Can't believe fall will start on Friday.
