Friday, December 7, 2012

Car overhaul.

I have to admit I have been very lazy on taking photos on things that I should so I can share them with you also. But from what i have been doing for the last few months to keep us survive, well? I tend to slip on the responsibility of a photo op. One example, yesterday. It was a busy day with all the schedule set up personal and trip related, then work. But in late afternoon we had the car in to a friend mechanic Dean.
He looked at the car check important things like brake, oil in all axel and other things such as strats replacement. Funny I feel like I have idea what these things are lol! But I don't, all I know these are parts of my car that needs tending to make my car run and operate properly, so when I drive my Penny on the road she will take me and my family down safely to paradise.
 So what did I do while all this was happening? I was yacking with the secretary in the shops office. I did not even think off it up until few minutes ago when I decided to update my blog. How lame of me! Can you imagine that! Man I have have got to get  myself back into the groove here... Too excited perhaps?


  1. Well the most important thing was having the car checked out so you have a safe trip for the winter!

  2. Well here it is 12/12/12...6:58am (Az time) you will be leaving shortly so just wanted say I hope you have a Blessed,safe,wonderful trip to Aticam!
