Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Trailer repair

Since I arrived here in the hubby land, back in the days...  There were always a series of stuff, you name it. He has an acre of land so he can store stuff and collect stuff also.. But that story is for down the road.
in the woods
I want to share this tiny cute trailer in the process of getting a much needed TLC! I am not sure what the name year model right now but, I know it is old.  The hubby said, it was well constructed, and he is right. For as old as it is it only had one area with water damage. The thing is, the previous owner painted the inside purple and orange. Imagine that, even the stove, a lovely purple. I did not bother to do any re-painting after we got it, 3 years or so ago. We just turned it into the children's toy room. But now she (the trailer) will have a guest resident! And a much needed TLC is now on progress to make it livable and beautiful!
My painting skills is back in a full swing to make this space a home.


repair and clean up in progress..
The inside is now gutted and the wall will be textured! A finished and beautified little trailer guest home she will be! Free of rut, moss and mold!

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