Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A special day.

Yesterday a special day was celebrated. My second born turned 12 years old.
 In our family we celebrate special day like birthdays in a more calm and simple way. But we got to have a cake.. And this was the scene last night at our home. And it was a very special night, because Lola (grandma in Filipno)Ruth and Lauren a friend was with us, joined in our celebration. The one thing we have to have and is expected is a cake with candles and ice cream. We sang happy birthday song and make happy wishes.. And we ate.. Here we were..
01-31-2012 T's Bday on the right.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Thomas!!! Wow 4 years and he will be driving...they grow up so fast! Cherish every moment, they go by so quickly!!!
