Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fearless VS. Confindence

Here is another words  that I am having a hard time to evaluate by itself with out the other. Another words that I found myself thinking while driving.
I drive an older car and I love my car, although I would prefer to have a radio in it  to listen to music but, it died on me a few months ago. Oh well, so with the absence of radio I tend to think a lot while driving to my destination. I seemed to think to myself about words that I have the curiosity about its use and how to apply them to, in sentences.

For example, when I think of a word fearful, it automatically direct me to use it as mental reference. Like for example, I am fearful of what might happened. That sentence, I can seem to picture the word fearful. But Fearless with out the word confidence is something I can not do. And the other way around? Do I make sense?


  1. yes you make sense...funny how the mind works huh?

    1. such a relief that to read your comment I make sense. Sometimes I go on this, thinking spree. :-)
      Thank you so much for dropping me this note, Cindy! I do appreciate it.
