Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What a Day..

What a day has been already. On the 9th of this month our hot water heater plug burnt out inside mighty Apollo. Back in December when the hubby was getting ready to leave for Mexico, Apollo RV's propane water heater exploded. So with hubby swamp schedule with all that he was needed to do with not much time before leaving and since he was only going to be away for 16 days, he install a 30 gallon electric water heather. And since then we have been using it with our daily use and daily showers. It's a a big deal with two boys growing up and a girl, we need hot water. winter? So as you can imagine the electricity that we have been using and seeing the power bill, confirms electric heaters and power water heater is expensive to operate.
So since the ninth we have been putting pot of water to boil on top of the  wood stove for dishes to wash and boil water from our propane cook stove for shower use. It has work well and no problem.

We all went to bed last night in the house, with no concern what so ever. The first day that I  thought I would be in bed bit longer and, my 15 year would make me coffee and start our daily routine on boiling water for showers. And he came up to me and said mom no power inside Apollo.
Completely burnt plug! Luckily no fire!
Apollo is a 1972 27 footer (I believe) RV, his kitchen and shower has been great for use so far. But with Apollos power out and hubby is not home yet for repair, we have to do with running an extension cord. And only use lights while inside it. No coffee maker, no Microwave. Just bare essentials and I told the kids just remember being in Mexico only use power when have too. The house is comfy and the wood stove is burning and keeping us warm inside we have plenty of food and penny (my car) is running like a champ!. So no problem.  So now hubby has more work when he gets home than ever.
Hubby, I hope you are recharged with ocean breeze and paradise sunshine because  work and home repair is waiting badly. And so are we....We miss you very much.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Weng!

    Living in Mighty Apollo is like log cabin days. No electricity and a wood burning stove!

    You are a tough gal. I am sooooo proud of you!

    Tu amigo,
