Monday, June 4, 2012

Thirty Seven..

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, haaappy birthday toooo me.  I always like to sing to myself on my birthday and today is no different.
I celebrate with grate smile! A very thankful Weng! Another year with my family the people I love and sharing to you all.

Thank you for all your continued support and reading my blog..

The past few days have been busy but I am still here. Money affairs is one hard work and take most of my energy and time..  I am sure most of you can understand what I mean.

11:55 PM.
As I am enjoying the last few minutes of my 36th year before my 37th year kicks in. I am savoring the sound of the North West June rain pouring on the roof . It is raining like cats and dog here.

Goodnight. Thank you to all who shares comments and wish me for my birthday. It is a lovely day and I am happy and having a wonderful time on my birthday..


  1. Happy Birthday, Weng! Hope you have many more to come. We enjoy reading your blog. Steve & Carol

  2. Happy Birthday Weng! Post whenever you can - we'll keep reading!

  3. Happy Birthday Weng! I always enjoy your blog.

  4. Happy (belated) Birthday! Hope you had a fine day!

  5. Happy Bday.Have been missing your blog.

  6. I am a bad friend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENGY!
