Thursday, July 5, 2012


At long last I am now setting here in PDX Airport and on our way to PV, Mexico via PHX!
You might recall my post ages ago about our dash of 6 days adventure in Mexico.. Click HERE to read a tiny bit about it.

I can not tell you enough on how I hard I work to this point to have this small vacation to happened. Although my plastic card is the one responsible thing that made this a bit more easier on our part but with hard work and a lot of faith and determination things happens in such beautiful ways.

Before today, we had the chance to stay in Cannon Beach with the kids and Lola and Lolo at their beach house. A lovely time indeed!

We are now boarding and more later..


  1. Hope you have/had a good flight. Enjoy your vacation!

  2. I hope you have a lovely, relaxing vacation. You deserve it more than just about anyone I know.

  3. Safe trip,relax and enjoy...take lots of pictures!!!!

  4. Weng,
    Check your paypal account. I just sent you funds for another years subscription to your blog.
    Have a great trip.
