Saturday, January 28, 2012

One Winter part 7

To read the first part of my Labor and Delivery  story and feel the full excitement of my experience with this adventure click HERE!

Labour and delivery...

At half past 7 pm, I called and ask for the doctor. I said I am ready in English. Simultaneously I felt my water broke and the baby/she wants out!Spanish vocab was gone. Spanish in this stage of my labour?  Forget it! I said she is ready looking down in my billy, he looked at me like I was some crazy tourist who don't know what she talking about. I raised my voice and said I am ready, the baby is coming out! He probe my middle and with a shock in his face and said, do not push! What? I said, she wants to come out. All of the other woman who was in there so quite of course decided to have their baby at the same time. What I did not know, I was only in the pre-delivery room. So I was wheeled into a different room which was across the hall and on the way, I was being directed by a nurse who was struggling to say it in English, that I to transfer onto a different bed. So, I raised my pointy finger and announce, wait a second until the pain is less and I thought to get up and transfer, which I did and they panic. I rip my IV off my hand in the process and screamed" fit it" I was the loudest woman there.. The horrified look on all their faces around me did not help my fear of blood! So they rush me in the actual delivery room which was the coldest room I've been in in the tropics in my life with no word they splash me with freezing liquid supposedly to clean my middle area for the baby. So what happened? The baby's head went back in. All this chaos happened so fast and there I was  after what seemed like forever in this room looking at the clock in front of me. laying there waiting until the next contraction to begin again. There were to beds in there and it also was occupied with another woman in delivery. Ten minutes in that room listening to what seemed like a peaceful place compare to up Norths Hospitals were you could hear the next room woman screaming her guts out of pain, But in there, it was quite. Then it came two big push and there she's out! A white faced tiny human was cradle in front of me and was rush to the pediatric room for heat and vital records. A record 15 minute normal fast delivery with out a problem Mom and baby Girl. Kawena May Ruth, Over 3 kilos and the biggest baby I delivered compared to both boys. It was the weirdest thing, I was the only woman there who had such a loud mouth when delivering... Other ones were quit! It was weird!

Then baby and I was wheeled in the recovery room then was giving food. And only then visit from my company was allowed. The next day I was allowed to go home but not before we pay the bill, 600 hundred dollars I believed was the bill, It calculates practically very little, compared to my costly boys two labour and delivery before....We have completed the family! A dream come true, A promise and goal fulfilled and a plan worked out for good! A Mexican princess was born!

It was set up for the boys to sleep inside a tent next to the big bed which accommodate hubby, baby and me. It had a table inside for a little office and table for baby and mama needs next to it. It had carpet all over the floor a mosquito net and a living area in front over looking the ocean. It was a wonderful set up, an unforgettable one to those who seen it. I miss the basic day up the hill top. It was perfect for it's time!

PS. Now it would be nice to hear the hubby's point of view of this adventure, Don't you think!
To read hubby's views click here..!

1 comment:

  1. What a neat idea the tent was. Provided some netting to keep any flying bugs out but letting the great fresh salt air in. I'm sure the boys loved the adventure!
