Tuesday I posted of possible dancing. An outing to go watch a live music.
You may recall I mention the hubby won a free ticket from a local FM station here in Portland . I was looking forward to a possible dancing but I have not heard much of this band, a song or two and then we recently found out this band is only two years old. Fairly new I thought!
We left after 7 pm Tuesday and thinking it was a bit late but actually perfect. Roseland was the venue. I have been in this building before two stories and I only seen and been in the bottom part, this time the music was on the second/top floor. There were one third of the crowd already there. It was separated for it was a Minor and adult show and alcohol was only sold in the balcony. We had a general admission which was the bottom but we can go to the balcony. We did not reserve a set but as we went up the person in charge of the door said we can sit to any seat until the owners of the seats comes and claim them.
There were 2 opening band before the main show. The first two was an OK band. The music was not great in my opinion but it gives the crowds below the balcony floor shaking there bottom okay.
Then the main event came on at about past ten pm and they rock the house! It was loud in there. We sat and listen. And as I observed the surrounding, the venue which is now looked to me 80 percent full with all ages and a very interesting crowd or group of people. From 16 to 80 years old was what I notice the crowd was consist of, tells me the type of audience the band appears to pull. And that was great. There were a few times that the crowd was really in to the music, but it was not quite my music, it was OK. A rock pop mixture. And I did not get warm enough in there that I did not take my coat off at all and that was bad! I did anticipate dancing, not much alcohol in my body to do the warm up, I suppose, compared to two ladies that kept going in front of us and just show off their silly moves with beyond the limit alcohol induced behavior! But both looked like having fun.. As most venue, I imagine it is dark colored walls with lights in strategic area with purpose. Over all it was an OK night. A chance to get out and see the night crowd and it was free.
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